The details of downsizing

Do you really want to know what you will have to do if you want to sell it all???

When I look at it now, I understand why a few people thought we were crazy, but not our friends. They knew we love to pedal paddle and play!

Here are the nitty gritty details of what we did over the first 6 months of 2018 to be a ready to go in the fall

Finished all projects on the “to do list” for the house- Including painting the entire interior of our home

Bought a new Truck and sold the old one

Bought a Tear Drop Trailer from Gnome Homes Inc in Edmonton, Alberta

Sold or gave away all items that we no longer needed or wanted- This was a HUGE endeavour after living in the same house for 26 years

Boxed up those precious family photos, special keepsakes, and some household things we could not part with.

Had our grown up kids come home to the province to say good bye to their childhood home and neighborhood

Listed our house for sale privately

Had a good friend help design our logo for PEDALPADDLEPLAY

Squeezed in one quick east coast trip to visit family while trying to sell the house ( not the best idea, but it was worth it )

Hired and trained someone to take over my sales territory

Sold house- YAY!

Moved in with our best friends for two months!

Gord retired 2 years early! YAY

I sold my half of the business to my awesome business partner of 20 years, and I retired 5 years early! YAY

Went on one last northern canoe trip adventure

Did one last SASKATCHEWAN Hiking/Camping adventure with our best friends

Packed up the camping and canoe gear, along with our road bikes and put onto pallets to ship east

Had an AWESOME going away and retirement party at our best friends with all of our other besties that could make it

Loaded up the truck with a bin of clothes each, 4 bins of food and gear, along with our two mountain bikes and hooked up to our new home on wheels called “Gnomie” our Gnome home.

Did those last good byes to relatives and friends , and hit the road on Sept 14th of 2018 heading west